Chinese Chill Capsicum Plaster
CHINESE MEDICAL PLASTERY - well, really the right thing, if you are doing sports and do not want to spoil clothes about all sorts of similar creams!
Proven and necessary thing in the home medicine cabinet!
Guys, let someone say that such plasters are "garbage in lean oil," but I do not agree.
Previous patches went to cheers, although I was not very happy about this, because no one likes to get injured. I did not use plasters, but my young man, he is engaged in the gym and working weights sometimes have a bad effect on muscles, joints, etc. Some minor injuries are intermittent, albeit unwelcome, but they happen ...
Of course, you can smear your shoulder, knee and other injured parts of your body with a standard cream without any problems, but what if you are going somewhere and want to dress nicely? Dirty things? Oh well, you can do without it! It's for these moments that the bandages are great. Especially plaster can be worn all day, and, for example, at night, you can use a cream, although bed linens from similar creams are also spoiled.
A person who often suffers from muscle or back pain, in the joints will appreciate it. I was fortunate enough to double-test these patches on my own - no matter how trite it sounded, but they work very well.
Somehow on volleyball, during the competition something went wrong and I hurt my back, as a result of very rarely, but surely I am achy with the area of the left scapula. Usually I use an analgesic ointment (I tried a lot), but her actions were enough for about an hour, nothing more. With patches, the effect lasts much longer, and it's cool!
At the opening of the package, the white is a sharp herb-pepper smell, it quickly evaporates.
What did I feel when I pasted a patch? The first 5 minutes nothing, but then ... Feeling as if my skin burns - here it is that burning sensation of vigorous pepper. The effect of burning a long enough 20-30 patch is surely felt. Oh yeah, he perfectly removes pain, it's a delight.
Of the minuses - if the back hurts, it is inconvenient to glue the patch, and in fact the same situation with c-ointment. By the way, the adhesive works fine. I left him at night, he did not even shift in the morning. Another plus for me, as for a strong allergy sufferer is a lack of allergy. The only thing left on the skin - it's the traces of the edges of the patch, but they very quickly dissolved after I peeled it off.
The package of patches has all the necessary information regarding their use and contraindications to the use, as well as the shelf life.